On March 28, 2022, a settlement in federal court in Portland, Oregon removed Oregon’s residency requirement for physician-assisted suicide (PAS) so nonresidents from across the country can now easily access PAS providing terminally ill people with lethal drugs to self-ingest to end their lives.
This change in Oregon law will open the door to assisted suicide tourism and will have serious and harmful implications for Minnesotans especially those who are facing a terminal diagnosis and who may feel compelled or coerced into choosing PAS. Minnesota has continued to reject the legalization of PAS and the Alliance continues to advocate for a broad range of healthcare policies that prioritize equality of care for all.
The Alliance asked Attorney General Keith Ellison to address our concerns by ensuring that medical providers and pharmacies in Oregon are not violating Minnesota law. To date, no substantive action has been taken by the Attorney General’s office.
Since no action has been taken by Attorney General Ellison, we are now asking Alliance members to make their voices heard. Please send your message asking the Attorney General to fully review the serious legal questions in play and to ensure that Oregon doesn’t override Minnesota law and endanger those most at risk of being harmed.
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Keep Assisted Suicide Out of Minnesota
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Keep Assisted Suicide Out of Minnesota
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Thanks for your support!
Minnesota Alliance for Ethical Healthcare
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